A Champions Breakfast
Posted: Tuesday, 2 October 2012 by Strength&Nutrition24/7 in Labels: Diet, Health, Nutrition, Recipe, Super Food
Everyone needs a great breakfast to start off the day! So I am going to show you guys my favorite breakfast to kick start the day. This breakfast is loaded with nutrients: low GI carbs, healthy fats, protein, and minerals. This breakfast is a great choice for everyone and especially those who are living an active lifestyle.
The beauty of this breakfast is that it takes only about 10-15 min to make (can be faster if you pre-cut). So let us get into the ingredients so you can also enjoy this delicious taste bud trip of a breakfast.
- 4 large eggs (free range/ omega 3/ organic) are preferable if you can afford
- ¼ of an avocado
- 1 small vine tomato
- 1 slice of sprouted grain bread
- A few very thin slices of cheddar
- Tablespoon of butter or coconut oil
You can make your eggs any which way you like. Personally i usually go with the boring quick and easy over easy.
I like to start off by thinly slicing my avocado, tomato, and cheese.
Take your pan turn your stove on to medium and get the butter or coconut oil in there. Once your oil is melted and spread around throw your eggs into the pan. While your eggs are cooking get your sprouted grain bread into the toaster.
Once your bread is done your eggs are mostly likely done as well, now it’s time to sit down and build your awesome breakfast.
Why Sprouted Grain Bread?

One thing that is very important to note is the decrease in antinutrients. Antinutrients are compounds that interfere with the absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
Why Whole Eggs?
Egg yolks are indeed full of cholesterol. However, research has demonstrated that egg yokes will only raise good cholesterol. In fact research has demonstrated that even at 6 eggs a day you will not raise your bad cholesterol. Like most cholesterol-rich foods, they are jam-packed full of important nutrients, especially the fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids.
In fact, the slew of nutrients in an egg yolk is so comprehensive that a few a day would offer better insurance than a multi-vitamin. Most importantly, the yolk contains most of the nutrients in an egg.
Why Avocado?
It is jammed packed with nutrients and has direct medical benefits. On top of that:
- Its monounsaturated fat speeds up the basal metabolic rate
- Its high fat content gives a quicker feeling of satiation ("fullness"), thus helping to reduce overeating.
- Its high fat content slows down the rate in which your entire meal is digested thus reducing the spike in your blood sugar, therefore reducing the storage of fat and risk of diabetes and high cholesterol.
For more info refer to here
Why Tomato?
Well being in the super food group along with the avocado it has numeral benefits.
- It has the highest levels of cartenoid lycopene, a super antioxidant that absorbs best with high fat (avocado)
- great source of vitamin and minerals.
- Reduces risks of several cancers including prostate cancer