Eating and Hydrating for Combat Sport Athletes: Nutrient Timing, The Key To Unlocking Your Potential Part 3
Posted: Friday, 25 May 2012 by Strength&Nutrition24/7 in Labels: Combat, Diet, Nutrition
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This is where the fun begins!!!
This article will help improve the performance of every athlete.
Over the 24 hour day, your muscles go through a constantly changing growth cycle, there are times when they are actively involved in producing energy, times when they are recovering, and other times when they are growing. In order for your muscles to function at their peak ability, we need to cater to each of these scenarios, to do this we need to provide the muscles
In every scenario we can guide our muscles metabolic pathways to produce and replenish our muscle glycogen (stored glucose) and synthesize muscle protein. By providing the body with the right nutrient mixture to the muscles at the right time, you can greatly enhance your rate of recovery (18-24+hours) and improve muscle growth, strength, and power. This all adds up to making one deadly warrior